Dedicated to everyone who wonders if I’m writing about them, I am.
The songs through this album debate and contradict the feelings of nature vs nurture in a less ‘dramatic’ sense than usually talked about. Are villains born or made? The last track is my personal feelings that everybody is a villain in someone’s story, but most of the time I am the villain in my own. I talk a lot about ‘heaven and hell’ ‘god and devil’ but I am simply using these terms to challenge good and bad. I believe nothing is ever truly bad or truly good, we all have bits of both, we are all saints and sinners and through my life experience, my values and topics that make my blood boil, I challenge you to listen to this album and see both sides (however hard I have pushed mine).
These are not your ordinary love songs nor are they your typical breakup songs they are feelings, thoughts and situations that make me feel so deeply that all I can do is scream (and then write about it).
Bayley Pearl x
Love Dust EP
Love Dust is all about relationships…The good, the bad and the downright ugly. The sophisticated lyrics entwine the musical motifs to grasp those emotions that so many can relate to. From the highs of a fast relationship to a murder ballad touching on abusive relationship issues…this is no ordinary collection of love songs!
Past Tour 2023
01.03.23 Sappho Bar Sydney, NSW
02.03.23 The Gasometer Melbourne, VIC
03.03.23 TBH Wollongong, NSW
09.03.23 The Beach Hotel Byron Bay, NSW
10.03.23 The Sol Bar Maroochydore, QLD
11.03.23 The Junk Bar Brisbane, QLD
11.03.23 Burleigh Bazaar Gold Coast, QLD